


This privacy statement explains how 和 why NRVTA collects, 商店, 使用, 和 shares personal data when you visit our websites or 使用 our services. Reading it will help you underst和 your privacy rights 和 choices.

“Personal data” in this statement means information about you, 包括你的身份, 你在我们网站上的购买记录, any information you've submitted to us through our websites, 还有你的上网行为.

“NRVTA” in this statement means MG娱乐游戏 located at 9030 U.S. 175w高速路,雅典,得克萨斯州75751.


当涉及到如何收集你的个人资料, 存储, 使用, 和共享, 你有权利和选择.


You have the right to request a copy of the personal data we’ve collected about you in the past 12 months. You also have the right to ask us to delete your personal data we have collected about you. 如果您想查看或删除您的个人数据, MG娱乐游戏. 我们不会拒绝为您服务, 收取不同的价格, or provide you with a different level of service solely for exercising your privacy rights.

如果您要求查看或删除您的个人资料, we’ll first need to verify who you are before we can respond to your request. If we can’t verify your identity, we will not be able to fulfill your request.

如果您想删除您的个人资料, you can call or email us 和 request that we delete specific information

If you request that we delete personal data, we still need to keep some personal data so we can:

  • 提供您所要求的商品或服务
  • Detect 和 prevent malicious, fraudulent, or illegal activity
  • Protect your (or another person’s) legal rights, including the right to free speech
  • 管理我们的内部业务流程
  • 遵守法律

这取决于你住在哪里, you may have different rights 和 choices for managing your personal data.



You may choose to limit the personal data you provide when our apps or services request it. 帮助你做出正确的选择, it’s important to underst和 that personal data helps us provide a richer, 更个性化的体验. Also, some personal data is required for our services to function at all.

例如, if you choose not to provide information that is required for an account to function, 比如你的名字和电子邮件地址, 我们将无法为您创建帐户.


Your choices about how we communicate with you via email differ depending on the purpose of the message 和 how it is delivered. Some messages are considered optional 和 some are necessary for you to manage your accounts with us.

您可以点击营销邮件中的退订链接. 但, you won’t be able to opt out of messages that are considered necessary for you to manage your account, such as receipts 和 emails that alert you to changes in your account’s status that require your attention.


We may collect your personal data when you register for or 使用 our services, 例如当您创建帐户时, 付款, 或者在我们的网站上购物.

If you 使用 our services without creating or logging into an account, 我们仍然会收集个人数据, 其中可能包括您的付款信息, 设备信息, 和位置. When you 使用 our services without creating or logging into an account, 我们将使用这些信息来处理交易, 防止欺诈,遵守法律. 我们可以将这些信息与您的账户联系起来, if you have one or if you create an account at a later date.

Here are the kinds of personal data that we may collect when you create an account or 使用 our services:

1. 识别您的信息,例如:

  • 姓和名
  • Address
  • 电话号码
  • 电子邮件
  • IP地址
  • Information collected from cookies or other tracking technologies

2. Financial information depending on how you pay for products 和 services, for example:

  • 信用卡和借记卡信息
  • 银行账户信息

3. 商业资料,例如:

    • 网上购物车信息
    • 购买历史

    4. 因特网或网络活动,例如:

    • 与我们的服务或网站的互动

    5. 地理位置数据,例如:

    • 基于ip的地理位置

        6. Information we infer based on your personal data, for example:

        • 欺诈和风险评估
        • 个性化偏好


        我们收集个人资料的原因有很多, 包括改善你的体验, 经营我们的生意. Specific reasons why we collect your personal data include:

        1. 运营我们的网站,提供更好的服务, 比如帮你购物, 显示您的帐户信息, 验证访问您的帐户, 及时更新您的账户和付款信息.
        2. Protect our business 和 our customers from risk 和 fraud, 包括涉及我们商业伙伴的欺诈
        3. Send you 市场营销 information about our products 和 services. 我们可能会使用个人数据来宣传我们的合作伙伴. We 使用 personal data to better underst和 和 cater to your interests.
        4. Personalize your experience when you 使用 our sites 和 services, 以及其他第三方网站和服务. In this case, we might 使用 tracking technologies like cookies. .
        5. Contact you when you need us, such as answering a question you sent to our customer service team.
        6. 遵守法律 和 enforce our agreements with you 和 other people who 使用 our services.


        我们不会出售您的个人数据. 但是,我们可能会在我们的服务中共享个人数据. Sometimes we share the personal data we collect with third parties to help us provide services, 保护我们的客户免受风险和欺诈, 推销我们的产品, 并遵守法律义务.


        1. NRVTA的商业伙伴
        2. 帮助我们处理付款的服务提供商, 市场营销, 研究, 合规, 审计, 公司治理, 通信, 和安全
        3. Card networks 和 payment processors such as Stripe 和 PayPal
        4. Financial institutions in the instance where you have chosen to pay via bank transfer
        5. 法院, 政府, regulators 和 law enforcement when accompanied by a subpoena or other legal documentation that requires NRVTA to respond
        6. 用于帮助打击垃圾邮件和滥用的第三方工具. For instance, we 使用 ReCaptcha to help determine whether you’re a person or a computer. 当您使用ReCaptcha时,您的个人资料将受到 谷歌的隐私政策 和 使用条款.
        7. 其他第三方:
          • 遵守法律
          • 调查或强制执行违反我们用户协议的行为
          • Facilitate a merger, purchase, or sale of part or all of our business
          • 遵守卡片协会规则
          • 防止:防止身体伤害或非法活动


        确保您的个人资料安全,以免遗失, 滥用, 未经授权的访问, 信息披露, 改变是我们的首要任务.

        保护您的个人资料, 我们使用技术, 物理, 行政安全措施包括:

        • 防火墙
        • 数据加密
        • 我们设施的物理访问控制

        同时保护我们的系统和服务, you’re responsible for keeping your password(s) 和 account information private. You are also responsible for making sure your personal information is accurate 和 up to date.

        如果您的帐户被关闭, we may keep your personal data 和 other information as required by law 和 according to our data retention policy. If we do, we’ll continue to h和le it as we describe in this statement.


        We’ll make changes to this privacy statement from time to time. This helps us stay up to date with changes to our business 和 the most current laws. 新版本发布后, 我们会收集, 商店, 使用, 和 protect your personal data as we outline in that revised statement.

        We will notify you about these changes through email or other 通信.


        If you have questions about this privacy statement or your personal data, MG娱乐游戏 so we can help.


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